To all our ECC family (and soon to be family)
Thank you for all your support, kind words, patronage, loyalty, and dedication throughout 2014!
2014 has been an amazing year for us with nothing but exponential growth and expansion, and moving onto even bigger and better things with some amazing surprises in store for everybody in the new year.
Without you all this wouldn’t have been possible, so from the bottom of our hearts, we truly thank you. Without you, our beloved customers, we wouldn’t be able to build, produce, and fulfil peoples dreams as a day job, and for that we are truly grateful.
We are now closed for the festive season, and will be re-opening our doors on Monday the 5th of January.
We will still be semi available for quoting, enquiries, and bookings via Facebook and email over the next few weeks, so if you have any questions or would like to make a booking for the new year, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Drive safe, have a merry and festive holiday season, keep your beautiful cars safe from the storms and we will see you in the new year.
The ECC team